Lovense in 3DXChat | Higher Levels of Sexual Pleasure

Lovense in 3DXChat | Higher Levels of Sexual Pleasure

Last Updated on: 13th January 2024, 01:37 pm

It’s been some time since my last foray into 3DXChat—almost a year. My previous visit was to compile my comprehensive review, which you can read here. The time when Caroline extended an invitation for me to go and work for her over there also comes to mind, but that venture never came to fruition. Subsequently, my focus shifted even more to the world of Second Life and the challenges of launching my own business. However, now with the innovation that is Lovense in 3DXChat, and thanks to my upgrade from the Lovense Lush 2 to the Lovense Lush 3, I felt a renewed curiosity to revisit the virtual spaces of 3DXChat. With real-life commitments dominating my schedule in the coming weeks, I managed to carve out a little time to dive back into the virtual realm.

Back to 3DXChat with Lovense in Hand

Oh boy, diving back into 3DXChat was like walking into a time capsule. There I was, staring at my avatar which I’d slapped together last year in a mad dash to scope the place out for my review. Kind of odd for me, given how much time I take on my look in Second Life, let’s not even talk about my real-life fashion dilemmas. There are days when choosing an outfit in Second Life is a saga that takes longer than my real-life. So, first things first in 3DXChat, my avatar needed some serious glamming up.

Now, while I’m dolled up and feeling fresh, I can’t help but still be a tad disappointed with the customization options. Sure, the graphics are great, but when it comes to personalizing your look? Eh, it’s a bit meh. They’ve added in some new hairstyles which is always great, you can never have enough hair. But here, you’ve only got 58 styles to choose from, and honestly, a bunch are just remixes of the same old. It’s like choosing between 50 shades of beige.

Makeover complete, and it’s time to head out and see what’s new. Lovense in 3DXChat? Now that’s something I’m really eager to try out, bringing a whole new level of interaction from my last visit would be a game-changer. But more on that later.

First Impressions | Lovense Ready to Transform 3DXChat

My return to 3DXChat was a bit of a wild goose chase at first,I couldn’t for the life of me find that one world where I got lucky last year. So, I found a new place called the Slut Club. With a name like that, it had to be where I was going, right? I get there, and the place is heaving with over 120 avatars. This time around, I’m not on official review duty; I’m here to just soak it in, vibe, and give my Lovense a whirl. My profile’s got an update while I was standing there, ‘Here to try out Lovense,’ and now I’m all set to see where the night takes me.

The Slut Club was jumping, bodies dancing and people having sex against walls and poles. Talk about sensory overload. And here I am, getting worked up to dive into the fray. Then bam, a friend request pops up. My heart’s racing, thinking this is it, but then… radio silence. No message. Talk about an anticlimax. But hey, it’s a sea of folks here, and I worked out that about a third of them are men. They’re spoiled for choice, and unlike Second Life where I’m a familiar face, in 3DXChat I’m just another newbie.

So, patience is my new best friend. Sure, I could’ve gone on a messaging frenzy, but being the initiator all the time in Second Life means that it’s nice to switch it up. Let them come to me for a change. Of course, I did start writing this post while I was standing there and missed an apartment invitation. FUCK.

Avatar exploring 3DXChat with Lovense device in a virtual setting.

Setting the Scene | Lovense in the Limelight at the Slut Club

So, while I was standing in the Slut Club, I decided to do a little more homework on how to spice things up with Lovense in 3DXChat. Turns out, it’s really simple. Hit the ‘Menu,’ and there’s a ‘Lovense’ image relaxing at the bottom. Give that a click, and you’re done. A QR code for easy pairing pops up. There’s even a ‘How To’ button that takes you to a tutorial on the 3DX forums, now that’s user-friendly.

Now, if you’re sitting there without a Lovense then you’re missing out. Click this link and treat yourself. They’ve got almost always got deals on, so your bank account won’t weep. I know that I’ve been posting l about Lovense a fair bit lately—with my own posts and then I roped Daria into dropping her two cents after hearing about her new HUD. But believe the hype. My first Lovense was the Lush 2 and it was great. But the decibels were not so sneaky. Enter Lush 3… Seriously, it’s a game-changer. If you haven’t got your hands on one, trust me, it will change everything.

Tutorial screen showing how to connect Lovense in 3DXChat.

Connecting with the Crowd | Lovense’s First Test

I had enough of being on the sidelines so I shed the jacket and beelined for the dance floor. Merging with the crowd, I started dancing. But I’ll be honest, the wait was starting to get to me. 3DXChat isn’t quite like Second Life where you’re swamped with messages the second you land. There, a moment’s peace is a rare luxury, but here in 3DX, you’re practically yearning for the buzz of incoming IMs, but it’s crickets.

The one upside? The tunes were hitting just right. I made a mental note to avoid multitasking with writing; didn’t want to miss any chances like last time. I was here for one thing, to give my Lovense a spin. Candy had penned down her thoughts over at SLA, claiming that Lovense in 3DXChat runs like a dream and is very smooth, and that’s what I was here to test. It’s interesting, you know, the tech side of it. In Second Life, the Lovense magic is all thanks to the ingenious residents tinkering with the developer API, with Lovebridge being the main one. But in 3DXChat, Lovense is officially supported. I’m on tenterhooks to feel the difference, if there’s any to be felt.

147 people now at the Slut Club and 90% of them seemed more interested in dancing and rolling dice. Time to move on.

3DXChat avatar experiencing Lovense interactivity on the dance floor

The Lovense Experience | A Game Changer in 3DXChat

No sooner had I strutted into a place called the Gym Club than a couple flagged me down with an invite to join them. They were already in one of the bedrooms and when I got there she had his cock sliding into her throat. Quick introductions, and we were off to the races. Things got heated, and soon, it was just him and me. The Lovense was in play, and let me tell you, it lived up to every bit of the hype. We took the virtual party from the bedroom to the bar, and with every Lovense-induced tremor, I was riding a tidal wave of bliss.

It was the kind of wild I’d been chasing—every buzz from the Lovense was a pulse of pure thrill coursing through me, utterly intoxicating. Before long, I hit the crescendo, struggling to keep my eyes glued to the screen as waves of peak pleasure turned my brain to mush.

Right as one adventure wrapped up, my inbox pinged with a fresh invite. This guy whisked me away to a massage room, and the Lovense sync was on another level. I’m not sure if it was the shift from the threesome dynamics to a more intimate one-on-one, but whatever the magic, it was mind-blowing. As he fucked me we threw back and forward some dirty talk before I came to a crash, cumming with such intensity that I almost let the neighbours know how well my Lush 3 worked.

The Verdict

So, that’s the end of my first dive into Lovense in 3DXChat. A few things stood out for me. First up, the ease of use really is a game changer. You sync your Lovense toy once and you’re good for the entire session, no matter where you go to in-world. In Second Life, every time you change parcels, you need to rescan QR codes, which is a bit of an inconvenience. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a minor inconvenience but it’s still an inconvenience.

The other really great thing… You can spot a fellow Lovense toy owner in 3DXChat just by a quick profile glance. It’s there on their profile – ‘Lovense Toy Owner’. That in itself saves some conversation time. And the way it responds to the in-game action? Mind-blowing. I love Lovense in Second Life, but 3DXChat has edged it out.

Not in 3DXChat yet? You can sign up for it here. Then, if you don’t already have one you can grab a Lovense toy over here, and you’re all set. Maybe I’ll catch you in the virtual world—look for the one having way too much fun.

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