Celebrating One Year of the X-Sisters Sex Bar | My Sex Carnival

Celebrating One Year of the X-Sisters Sex Bar | My Sex Carnival

Last Updated on: 7th February 2024, 08:49 pm

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Can you believe it’s been an entire YEAR?  Happy first birthday to my gorgeous, sprawling playground of a paid sex carnival! It’s been an absolutely wild ride and who in the world would’ve guessed we’d be here now? I sure didn’t. Happy Birthday, X-Sisters Sex Bar you amazing beautiful big and sexy thing! Looking back on the chaos of those first few days, it was a mad rush to the opening night, and oh boy was I sweating pixels Thinking back on it now it’s easier to be a bit more honest about how stressful it was. Back then it was all just hype about opening but the behind the scenes was a different story. Getting those scripts right for the beer and later the champagne while ensuring everything else was spot-on… Phew, that was intense.

What a difference a year makes…

Celebrating a Year of Virtual Revelry at X-Sisters Sex Bar

Let’s get real for just a minute, running a sex work business in Second Life is insanely hard work that nobody really prepares you for. I imagine it to be similar to walking onto a theatre stage where there’s no script, no warning… just you, your wits, and your will to grow in a world where the ordinary rules don’t apply. As the boss lady of X-Sisters Sex Bar, I’ve morphed into this den mother – part strict, part soft. There are days I need to get tough and remind my X-Girls not to undervalue themselves because they’re worth every penny. Then there are moments – loads of them – when I’m dishing out hugs and words of solace to someone who’s had a rough week.

Seeing the X-Girls doing their thing and basking in the glow of a successful streak is amazing. They wear confidence like a second skin and why wouldn’t they? They’re amazing. But then the dry spells hit, and overnight, confidence can wobble. That’s when I need to activate cheerleader mode and remind them they’re not just any girls; they are X-Girls – a title that puts them leagues ahead of any other escort on the grid.

From the minute we opened, I’ve been in perpetual motion: marketing, building, creating experiences, shaking the trees for promotion, recruiting, and sometimes even making tough calls on who stays and who goes… It’s chaos and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And today, as we celebrate the bar’s anniversary, I’m doing something a tad out-of-character – I’m toasting to me! I am slowing down just for a couple of hours to take a breath and soak it all in.

A full orbit around the sun, pouring my heart and soul into moulding this amazing thing. It’s not just about the bar; it’s a celebration of a year of passion, dedication, and everything in between.


Behind the Glitz of X-Sisters Sex Bar

A few months ago I wrote in the X-Girl Monthly magazine about the history of the bar. One section stands out above the rest of them for me, the small part about how the bar actually came to be. If you haven’t read that issue of the magazine then I’ll share it here.

“We were selling “Blow Job Experience Vouchers” I mean of course we were, we’re still whores. But that didn’t sit too well with the sim owner. And so the prude bitch gave us a stern talking to.

Well, we were the X-Sisters. The gun loving, explosion making, landmine planting whores that did not care about some prudish sim owner.

So, we packed up and we rented a very small parcel on a sky platform. It had 175 prims, just enough for a store….

“We should put a bar above the store”

I wish I could take credit for the idea of the bar, but that was all Lumi’s idea. When she said it, I remember screwing up my face and thinking “Bitch, we just rented this land for a month with 175 prims, how the hell are we going to fit a bar in?”

Luckily for us, the landlord had an adjacent sim for rent and so we took that too and merged the prims together. Something we would later do with the same landlord when we upgraded to our second spot at Packsaddle.

We scripted the beer system, then we added champagne. I done all the building obviously because I love doing it. For the first three or four days it was me, Lumi and Rach sitting in that bar. We weren’t officially opened but we had ideas. At that point the store was still there but it had started to cease being our focus.”


A Year of Peaks, Valleys, and Adrenaline

From the highs of our sex marathons to the hush of the summer slump, we’ve ticked every box on the emotional rollercoaster. And it’s been nothing short of a wild, wild ride. But you know what? We did it. We built what we always set out to build. A blend of community with an exclusive, premium sex work experience.

Take a look at the X-Sisters website, and you’ll catch a glimpse of 2023 by the numbers (up till December 31st). 11,280 bottles of our signature X-Sisters Beer sold, 12,360 glasses of champagne popped, and 2,407 X-Girl Monthly issues in the hands of readers. But I’ve got more stats to tickle your taste buds.

Over 11 milion Lindens made its way into the X-Sisters Sex Bar in just our first year, with a huge chunk of that coming from late August till now. That’s just counting the cold, hard tips and sales from the main bar. I’m not even touching on the satellite bars, group join fees, ad space rentals, event drinks or store sales.

And the X-Girls! Over 50 goddesses of allure joined us, with 37 still on our current roster. We’ve had three different addresses, five bar redesigns, and four event-centric skyboxes.

Then there are the wall of fame legends: Greg, Tye, and Wilco – they’ve explored, shall we say, every “nook and cranny” the bar offers. We’ve had four different themed drinks and snacks too, from Valentine’s chocolates to Irish Ale, the dangerous Halloween Brew, and that pun yelling Egg Nog.

Our bar over at Gutter Trash Alley is blossoming under the amazing Eden who I hired to manage it. But brace yourselves, because I’ve got big news coming about our Street Whores location in the coming days too.

Happy Birthday!!

Almost two years ago a brand new avatar burst onto the Second Life scene, eyes wide with wonder, heart set on one hell of an adventure into the world of virtual sex work. Not for the Lindens, not for the accolades, but for the amazing experiences that waited. That avatar was me and my adventure has taken me on so many twists and turns, so many ups and downs. I have made amazing friends and yes, I’ve known the heartache of losing some truly amazing people.

You get words of wisdom in the most unexpected ways here. Rach, for instance once told me “1st you slice the guys cock off and then batter each other with them. big fun” but she also said “I believe in this place you’ve been good to me soo. I get the money I could spend on fags and tampons”

A year ago we started out clutching onto a dream, a belief that we could create something spectacular and have so much fun doing it. A year later we get to look back and be so happy and proud of what we have.

Happy Birthday X-Sisters Sex Bar.

Now! I will see you all at the pirate party tonight! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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  1. denisefields72

    Congratulations on twelve months of achievements. I wish you the finest of fortunes for the forthcoming year. Cheers!

  2. Dirk Roughly

    Yo, been a year? For real, I need to quit slackin and get over there. Grats’!

  3. Kels On Fire

    Gratz on a year! 🥂

  4. Chandra Kusari

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY X-Sisters Bar

    It was suuch a fun day. I am looking forward to another A-M-A-Z-I-N-G year with you all.

  5. Greg

    Congratulations Jess!! You’ve come a long way from selling counterfeit blowjob vouchers to an unsuspecting doofus…no names necessary… I’m very proud for you, you’ve worked so hard to get where you are, I hope you found some time to relax and enjoy a sense of satisfaction for what you’ve accomplished!

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