Daria’s Discoveries | Exploring Kink in Second Life’s Rape Scene


Last Updated on: 21st October 2023, 12:53 am

Well, hey there, internet dwellers! Welcome to the twisted world of yours truly, me, Daria, your bitchy, sarcastic, and unapologetic enemy you never knew you needed in your life (but now that you’re here…). So buckle up, buttercup, because this ride’s gonna be bumpy while I’m journeying through Second Life’s kink and BDSM realms. And if you can’t handle the heat, then you shoulda stayed in the kitchen… or something like that.

Exploring Kink and BDSM in Second Life

So Who Am I?

A bit about me? Well, I’m your average globetrotting kinkster, with a penchant for CNC and zero interest in making friend. YOLO. I mean, who needs people when you’ve got the world to explore? Speaking of that, let me start to fill you in on my shenanigans.

I’ve been to more sims than you can shake a dick at, and I’ve met my fair share of weirdos. But what can I say? I’m a magnet for the strange and unusual. Big ups to me, I guess.

In a bizarre twist of fate, I rented an apartment in an RP sim, which is pretty friggin’ ironic considering I don’t even RP. But hey, I like to keep things interesting, and there’s nothing more fascinating than watching a bunch of nerds pretend to be vampires, werewolves, and whatever the hell else their hormone-addled brains can come up with. This sim doesn’t have vampires or werewolves but I’ll get to that.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Daria, why on Earth are you writing a blog?” Honestly, I don’t even know. But fuck it, right? Sometimes you just gotta try new things, even if it’s putting your twisted thoughts out into the world for all to see. And if you don’t like it, well, there’s a little red ‘x’ in the top right corner of your screen just begging to be clicked.

So, welcome to my humble abode, where I’ll regale you with tales of my Second Life adventures and maybe even throw in a bit of bitchy commentary about the people I (unfortunately) encounter along the way. Trust me, it’s gonna be a wild ride.

I Got a New Head and a New Crib (No, Really)

Alright, you thirsty internet weirdos, gather ’round and prepare for a tale of Daria’s wild Second Life adventures featuring a fabulous new head and a questionable real estate deal. You know you’re gonna love it.

So, I finally decided to take my pixelated ass to Lelutka and snag myself a shiny new head. What’s the point of having a second life if you can’t occasionally shake things up with a new face? As I’m perusing the virtual aisles, I get a message from a guy called “Cursed.” Now, I’ve been around the block enough times to know what’s up with these Second Life dudes, so naturally, I assumed he was gonna try and hit on me. Spoiler alert: I was wrong.

Turns out, Cursed owns an RP sim called Pinewood and had some properties for rent. Guess he saw I was homeless and thought he’d do me a solid by hooking me up with a low-rent pad. Plus, he’s gay, so there was no chance of me being hit on. Talk about a plot twist.

But here’s the thing: it was a good sales tactic, but the prims were just ok for the size of the place, and it had no furniture. I mean, come on, man! It felt like he was trying to take advantage of me with that, but whatever. I needed a home, and the idea of being part of a community instead of living in the sky was kinda appealing.

So I took the bait. Rent one week, get one free – seemed like an okay deal, I guess. If I don’t like it, I’ll just pack up my virtual shit and move on. That’s the beauty of Second Life, am I right?

After a bit of shopping (or, let’s be honest, a lot of shopping), I managed to furnish my new digs. It ain’t the Ritz, but it’s home – for now. And hey, if nothing else, at least I’ve got a swanky new head to show off to all the lovely (and not-so-lovely) residents of Pinewood. Watch out, world, there’s a new Daria in town.

Exploring Kink and BDSM in Second Life

Daria Takes on the World of CNC (Spoiler: It’s a Shitshow)

Alright, you kinky freaks, now we go to the next part of my Second Life debauchery – and this one’s gonna get a little NSFW, so consider yourselves warned. As you already know (unless you didn’t read anything I’ve said up until now), I have a thing for CNC (that’s consensual non-consensual, for all you prudes and vanillas out there). So that’s what we’re doing weirdos, we’re venturing into Second Life’s kink and BDSM landscape

So, what’s a girl with a kink to do? Head to Rape Slut, of course, the biggest CNC sim on the grid. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Daria, that sounds perfect for you!” Well, hold your horses, ’cause this tale takes a turn for the worse.

Before I ended up at Rape Slut, I tried out a couple of other places. Let me tell you, the guys at those joints were fucking idiots. I mean, seriously, do they even know what CNC is? ‘Cause, it sure as hell didn’t seem like it.

But you know what? RS wasn’t much better. Apparently, understanding CNC is like some sort of lost art. Nevertheless, I needed something, so when some rando hit me up, I thought, “fuck it, let’s have some sort of fun with this guy.”

And fun we had – if by “fun,” you mean a dumpster fire of miscommunication and awkwardness. But hey, at least I can say I gave it a shot. And who knows? Maybe I’ll find someone who actually gets it one of these days. But for now, I’ll just chalk this up as another wild and crazy (and slightly disappointing) adventure in the life of Daria.

Look it wasn’t the worst sex that I’ve had in my life. He had a nice cock and he did throw me around some but I wanted more than what he was giving. He was too sweet and afterwards, he sent me a friend request – get that outta here. I don’t want your friend requests I just want fucked.

Daria’s Misadventures in CNC Land Continue (No, Seriously, When Will It End?)

You thought the CNC saga was over? Oh, honey, you must be new to Second Life. When you’re living the life of Daria, the shitshow never stops – and this time, it’s taking us to a movie cinema. Yeah, you read that right.

So, after finishing up with the dumpster fire of a guy,, I then got an IM from some other random guy saying, “Seeing you covered in cum makes me horny.” I mean, I was already up to my neck in disappointment and jizz, so what’s a little more, right?

Turns out, this guy was in the theatre part of the sim. No idea why a CNC sim has a movie theatre, but I decided to roll with it. Who am I to question the logic of virtual world designers, anyway?

As soon as I sat down next to the guy, he threw his hand out and grabbed my collar and told me to suck his dick. “Finally,” I thought, “this is more like it!” Except, well, it wasn’t quite was it? The CNC started and ended with him grabbing my collar. After that, it was just some derogatory terms, him making more of a mess, and then letting me go.

Like, seriously? How hard is it to understand the concept of CNC?

But hey, I’m nothing if not an eternal optimist (or maybe just a glutton for punishment). So, here’s to hoping that one day, someone in this crazy virtual world will get it right. Until then, I’ll just keep collecting stories to share with you lovely degenerates.

Daria’s Early Morning Shenanigans: Mature Doggers and a Race Against Time

Hey creeps! I almost forgot to include my wild trip to Mature Doggers. If you’re sitting there thinking, “that sounds like fun” then you just haven’t been paying attention at all to how things go for me, have you? That place is about as much fun as, well, something not fun.

Mature Doggers is full of people who just wanna watch. Don’t get me wrong, being watched can be kinda hot sometimes if they’re messaging you dirty talk, but other than that, it’s a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

So, I showed up early one morning, and guess what? Seven guys and I’m the only girl. This could go one of two ways: either none of them talks at all, or I get lucky. Well, my dearest degenerates, I got lucky.

But there was one little thing: I was on a tight schedule before I had to leave the house for work. Who has time for an all-day orgy, you know?

Enter “Juice.” Yes, that’s his name. Fucking weird name, right? Anyway, Juice whisked me away to the workshop, and we got down and dirty real fast.

It was quick, but hey, he knew we were on a time limit, and we both made the most of it. Fucking hard and fast in the workshop. I was worried about the screwdrivers but it all ended up ok. Talk about a high-stakes, high-intensity rendezvous.

With less than a minute to spare before I had to leave, he finished. Boom, mic drop. That, my friends, was a good morning.

So what’s the moral of this story? Sometimes, the best things in life come in small, time-limited packages. So go and seize the day. Or at the very least the next ten minutes.

A Tale of Zombies, Dogs, and A Whole Lotta WTF

There’s some seriously weird shit out there in Second Life. I used to think that my rape kink was pretty out there, but boy, was I wrong. I’m talking animals, people. And no, not furries, actual fuckin’ animals.

I’m all about giving those oddballs a wide berth, but sometimes, you just can’t escape the madness.

Case in point: I had this guy approach me in Rape Slut, asking if I liked fat guys. I told him no, so he asked if I was into zombies. Before I could even say “fuck no,” he’d turned into one. Creepy, right? But it gets worse. He then asked if I liked dogs… and then morphed into a damn dog, trying to take me home. Needless to say, I got the fuck outta there.

Like, seriously, people. Get a grip on yourselves. I’m all for a good time and exploring your kinks, but there’s a line, and that line is definitely crossed when you start turning into sweet little dogs.

Anyway, the freak show continues. Later in the day, he messaged me again, asking, “Do you like big black guys?” Now, that’s a bit more my style, so I figured, “What the hell?” and told him to TP me.

When I arrived, I couldn’t help but laugh, he looked fucking ridiculous. But then he asked if he could just pleasure himself while looking at me. I thought, “Sure, why not?”

So he started doing his thing, and eventually asked if I’d fuck him. I shut that idea down real quick. He just kept going, taking his sweet-ass time. At this point, I had two options: fuck him or wait another hour for him to finish. Sure, I could’ve just left, but then what would I have to write about?

Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to see how far I could push him. I refused every request he made, secretly hoping I could coax him into some rape action. After all, we were in a rape sim, and I was getting fed up with the lack of actual rape going on.

But alas, my efforts were in vain. The dude just finished himself off and logged off. What an asshole.

So, here’s a little PSA: always stay on your toes, cause you never know when you’ll stumble across the next level of weirdness. And remember, YOLO, but also, like… boundaries, people! Boundaries.

Don’t Be a Clueless Kinkster: Get Educated Before You Get Freaky

Listen up, weirdos! Online BDSM and CNC can be a blast when you actually find some people who know what the hell they’re doing. But lemme tell you, going in without a clue? That just makes everything awkward AF. So, in the spirit of saving me (and you) some serious cringe, I’ve put together a handy-dandy list of resources to get you educated and prepared for the wild world of virtual kink before you start delving into kink and BDSM in Second Life. You are welcome.

So there you have it, folks. Do your homework, get educated, and for the love of all things kinky, don’t waste my time (or anyone else’s) by showing up unprepared. If you’re gonna play in the virtual rape or BDSM scene, you gotta know what you’re doing. No one wants a clueless kinkster mucking up the fun.

Now, get out there and put those newfound skills to good use.

But for now, I’ll leave you with this nugget of wisdom: life’s too short to worry about what people think, so do whatever the fuck you want, and have a blast doing it. YOLO, bitches!

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